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Advanced Site

Advanced Site


Advanced Sites allow clients the flexibility of a fully custom-built website to achieve any purpose you require. Examples include purpose-built database systems, booking systems, client relations management systems, web portals, reporting systems, staff and asset management, event registrations and custom gift vouchers. Advanced sites are designed to be user-friendly, stylish and visually appealing with the power of a database back-end, essential for sites requiring username/password authorisation, admin management consoles and custom applications.
• Database integration and back-end
• Visual ‘front-end’
• Username/password authorisation & restricted access pages (multiple levels of authorisation available)
• Advanced forms, search engines
• Advanced testing and optimisation
• E-commerce and payment options
• Membership-Driven Applications
• Reporting Tools and Features

(excluding Domain Name and web Hosting)


The user is expected to take note that the products on the site can always be changed, modified, supplemented or removed without notice or notification.
All Products sold through this website are refurbished products that come with 12 months of warranty.
A Refurbished products may be unused customer returns that are essentially “new” items, or they may be defective products that were returned under warranty, and resold by the manufacturer after repairing the defects and ensuring proper function

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